Our PhDs

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Dr. K. M. Vasudevan Pillai, Chairman and CEO, MES
Subject of ResearchEnglish Literature (Poetry)
Name of the ThesisWilliam Wordsworth : His Ideology of Life as Reflected in His Poetry
Name of the GuideDr. A. N. Tiwari
UniversityUniversity of Mumbai
Year of Completion2001


Dr. Daphne Pillai, Secretary, MES
Subject of ResearchEnglish Literature (Poetry)
Name of the ThesisA Feminist Study of The Gender Bias in English Poetry- 1918-1988
Name of the GuideDr. Urmila Rai
UniversityUniversity of Mumbai
Year of Completion1999


Dr. Priam Pillai, COO, MES
Subject of ResearchControls, Instrumentation and Robotics
Name of the ThesisDevelopment and Characterization of Conducting Polymer Actuators
Name of the GuideDr. Ian W. Hunter
UniversityMassachusetts Institute of Technology
Year of Completion2011


Dr. Lata Menon
Subject of ResearchEconomics
Name of the ThesisInfrastructural Impediments and Rising Costs of International Trade. A Case Study of India's Export Competitiveness in The Global Market
Name of the GuideDr. S. Sriraman
UniversityUniversity of Mumbai
Year of Completion2005


Dr. Sally Enos
Subject of ResearchEducation
Name of the ThesisA Study of the Effect of Environmental Education as Perceived by Student Teachers
Name of the GuideDr. Veena Deshmukh
UniversityYCMOU, Nashik
Year of Completion2009


Dr. Sharda Sharma
Subject of ResearchEducation
Name of the ThesisA Comparative study of the perceived impact of the IB (International Baccalaureate) and the HSC (Higher Secondary Certificate) programs on the personality of students.
Name of the GuideDr. Sunita Wadikar
UniversityMumbai University
Year of Completion2016


Dr. T. A. James
Subject of ResearchEducation
Name of the ThesisThe Effect of the Missionary Schools in Imparting Ethical Values to the Students with Regard to their Personality Development and Social Adjustment
Name of the GuideDr. J. P. Srivastava
UniversityChaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut
Year of Completion2005


Dr. Celina Joy
Subject of ResearchManagement
Name of the ThesisManagement of Human Capital in India
Name of the GuideDr. Vivek Deolankar
UniversityUniversity of Mumbai
Year of Completion2014


Dr. P. S. Goyal
Subject of ResearchPhysics
Name of the ThesisNeutron Scattering from Condensed Matter Study of Molecular Rotational and Vibrational Motions
Name of the GuideDr. P. K. Iyengar
UniversityUniversity of Bombay
Year of Completion1979


Dr. Reni Francis
Subject of ResearchPsychology
Name of the ThesisMultiple Intelligences Approach to Curriculum Transaction Therby Catering to The Educational Objectives at The Secondary School Level
Name of the GuideDr. Vasundhara Padmanabhan
UniversityUniversity of Mumbai
Year of Completion2012


Dr. Sandeep M. Joshi
Subject of ResearchUtilisation of Solar Thermal Energy
Name of the ThesisDevelopment of Solar Dryer
Name of the GuideProf. Milind V. Rane
UniversityIndian Institute of Technology Bombay
Year of Completion2017


Dr. Sandeep S. Shinde
Subject of ResearchPhysical Education
Name of the ThesisConstruction of Test Battery for the Selection of Inter-collegiate Volleyball Players of University of Mumbai
Name of the GuideDr. R. R. Dhakne
UniversityUniversity of Mumbai
Year of Completion2016


Dr. Arun Shridharan Pillai
Subject of ResearchScience Electronics (Processor Design)
Name of the ThesisDesign of an Instruction Based Methodology for Design of Processors and to Study the Timing and Power of the Designed Processor
Name of the GuideDr. S. K. Dubey, of Physics
UniversityUniversity of Mumbai
Year of Completion2008


Dr. Betty Sibil
Subject of ResearchBusiness Policy and Administration
Name of the ThesisStrategic Management of Human Resources Organizations; Challenges and Opportunities
Name of the GuideDr. Vivek Deolankar
UniversityUniversity of Mumbai
Year of Completion2013


Dr. Manju Ranjit Pillai
Subject of ResearchChemistry
Name of the ThesisEvaluation of Chemically Modified Solid Surfaces for the Removal of Some Toxic Metal Ions from Aqueous Solutions
Name of the GuideDr. T. S. Anirudhan
UniversityUniversity of Kerala
Year of Completion2001


Dr. Deepali R. Shrivastava
Subject of ResearchPolymer Chemistry
Name of the ThesisInvestigation on Polyimide Nanocomposites Comprising in Situ Generated Silica or Siloxanes Derived Nanoparticles
Name of the GuideDr. J. M. Keller
UniversityRani Durgavati University of Jabalpur
Year of Completion2010


Dr. Mahendra D. Khandkar
Subject of ResearchComputational Physics
Name of the ThesisRandom Sequential Adsorption : Some Analytical and Numerical Studies
Name of the GuideDr. A. V. Limaye
UniversityPune University
Year of Completion2001


Dr. Malavika P. Sharma
Subject of ResearchLinguistics
Name of the ThesisTest Taking Strategies in Reading Comprehension
Name of the GuideDr. Yasmeen Lukmani
UniversityUniversity of Mumbai
Year of Completion2000


Dr. Anshu Murarka
Subject of ResearchReliability Theory
Name of the ThesisAn Analytical Study of Some Design Reliability Models
Name of the GuideDr. Santosh Kumar Sharma
UniversityCh. Charan Singh University, Meerut
Year of Completion2009


Dr. Biswajit Panda
Subject of ResearchPolymer Science and Engineering
Name of the ThesisFabrication and Characterization of Carbon Nanotubes Based Ternay Polymer Blends of Pa6, Pp and Abs
Name of the GuideDr. Ajit R. Kulkarni and Arup R. Bhattacharyya
UniversityUniversity of IIT Bombay
Year of Completion2011


Dr. Ashish Tripathi
Subject of ResearchBusiness Finance
Name of the ThesisFinancial Management of Industries in India
Name of the GuideDr. Vivek Deolankar
UniversityUniversity of Mumbai
Year of Completion2010


Dr. Rinkoo Shantnu
Subject of ResearchEconomics
Name of the ThesisProspects of Housing Finance in India with Special Reference to LIC Housing Finance Ltd.
Name of the GuideDr. R. K. Rastogi
UniversityM. J. P. Rohilkhand University, Bareilly
Year of Completion2009


Dr. Lata Krishnan
Subject of ResearchBusiness Administration
Name of the ThesisA Study of Self -Financing Institutions in The Mumbai Region
Name of the GuideDr. Vivek Deolankar
UniversityUniversity of Mumbai
Year of Completion2007


Dr. Kumud Singh
Subject of ResearchBotany
Name of the ThesisBiomass Yield of Selected Aromatic Plants on Soil Affiliated By Salanity and Alkalinity
Name of the GuideDr. Mahesh Pratap Singh
UniversityPurvanchal University, Jaunpur, U.P
Year of Completion2005


Dr. Avinash Tukaram Gatade
Subject of ResearchAnalytical Chemistry
Name of the ThesisStandardization of Traditional Herbal Preparation Used in Treatments.
Name of the GuideDr. R. T. Sane
UniversityUniversity of Mumbai
Year of Completion2011


Dr. Manvendra Vashistha
Subject of ResearchHydrogen Storage Materials, Ion Beam Irradiations
Name of the ThesisGrowth, Charecterization and Hydrogenation Behaviour of Thin Film Metal Hydride
Name of the GuideDr. I. P. Jain
UniversityUniversity of Rajasthan, Jaipur
Year of Completion2000


Dr. Kumudini Das
Subject of ResearchStatistics
Name of the ThesisA Demographic perpective of couple characteristics in India - Variation and Implication
Name of the GuideDr. P. K. Thripathy
UniversityUtkal University
Year of Completion2012


Dr. Vivekanand Pawar
Subject of ResearchHuman Resource Management
Name of the ThesisEmployee Engagement: An empirical study of teachers engagement in higher education
Name of the GuideDr. Manjari Srivastava, Dr. Vidya Naik, Dr. Animesh Bahadur
UniversityNMIMS University
Year of Completion2014


Dr. Bhavna Dave
Subject of ResearchEducation
Name of the ThesisA study of the effectiveness of Brain Compatible Instructional Intervention on Knowledge Acquisition and Problem Solving Ability of students of Upper Primary School.
Name of the GuideDr Sally Enos
University University of Mumbai
Year of Completion2016


Dr. Jayanta K. Behera
Subject of ResearchPhysics
Name of the ThesisStudy of Sub-Auroral Dynamics using Integrated Measurement
Name of the GuideDr. Ashwini K. Sinha
UniversityUniversity of Mumbai
Year of Completion2017


Dr. Sharvari S. Govilkar
Subject of ResearchNatural Language Processing
Name of the ThesisSemantic Informationa extraction Using Ontology for Devnagari script documents
Name of the GuideDr. J. W. Bakal
UniversityUniversity of Mumbai
Year of Completion2017


Dr. Divya MV Padmanabhan
Subject of ResearchNanoceramic synthesis and processing
Name of the ThesisSalt Incorporated Precursor spray based synthesis of nano zirconia
Name of the GuideProf. Parag Bhargava
UniversityIndian Institute of Technology Bombay
Year of Completion2017


Dr. Basavaraj S. Talikoti
Subject of ResearchPhysical Education
Name of the ThesisConstruction of Test Battery for the Selection of Inter-collegiate Volleyball Players of University of Mumbai
Name of the GuideDr. R. R. Dhakne
UniversityUniversity of Mumbai
Year of Completion2016
