Community Service Day

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Social service is at the core of our vision and mission at Mahatma Education Society.

We strive to impart a spirit of community care among the staff and students of all our institutions to create a better society for everyone to enjoy. It is our belief that caring for the less fortunate creates a spirit of unity between all those involved and lays the key foundations of positive holistic social development. The Mahatma Education Society has an established reputation for supporting charitable causes and creating lasting improvements in the local areas of all MES institutions. The combined effort and enthusiasm of Pillai staff and students supports formal education for school dropouts, health education programmes and adult literacy support as just some of the many good works carried out each year in the name of MES.

Furthermore, the MES institution follows an evolved charitable approach that is effective for long term poverty alleviation. To truly tackle poverty, the Pillai Group of Institutions will continue to create world class education infrastructure which produces socially responsible graduates with the motivation to create a better society. MES Community Service efforts teach a doctrine of self-motivation and self-improvement so that individuals are encouraged to make a better life for themselves through their own efforts. Primarily, the MES key mission is ‘Education for All’ as true community service takes place in a child’s mind in a classroom. Nevertheless, the ever magnanimous Group of Pillai Institutions continues to offer much support to the poor and needy including scholarship programs for students, assistance for handicapped students and financial assistance is given to youth led self-employment projects. MES’s exciting annual event, Community Service Day, is the chance to get involved in making a real difference to the local community.

Community Service Day

Since 2012, staff and students from every MES member institution gather every February at the Dr. K. M. Vasudevan Pillai Campus, New Panvel to dedicate their time and love to the service of lesser privileged people. This special event now holds great significance for everyone associated with MES and becomes more successful every year. Residents from our associate NGOs are personally invited to join the Community Service Day festivities of fun, food and frolic! See our work with NGO’s. Participants continue to visit every year who come from a variety of vulnerable social backgrounds including orphans, the elderly, tribal children, street children and those destitute. However, Community Service Day always promises to be a carefree day in the serene setting on lush, green Panvel campus where everyone can enjoy the games, cultural activities and food which is on offer. Approximately more than six hundred people from our associate NGO’s take part in Community Service Day every year.

It is our belief that the ongoing dedication of MES good works will create more than social change, but holistic social development. As our annual Community Service Days continue to flourish, MES will endeavour to imbibe a sense of social responsibility to every member of the Pillai Group of Institutions as we build a more peaceful and just society for everyone.

It is through staying connected with chosen NGO organizations that they may be nurtured at an institutional level year after year to improve and increase their impact on society. MES fundraises for this vital connection through an annual inter-institutional talent show organized by the students of Mahatma Education Society called “UBER RANG”.

2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012